Power Meters & Energy Counters from ICPDAS 

Intelligent energy monitoring in the network 

By recording energy data on plants and machines, energy costs are revealed, downtimes minimised and utilisation or power consumption optimised. For reliable measurement and continuous monitoring of energy consumption in real time, ICPDAS offers the intelligent energy meters of the PM-3000 and PM-4000 series. The current meters support protocols such as ModbusTCP, ModbusRTU and CANopen. Measuring ranges from 60A to 4000A allow the user a wide range of applications. 

 IIoT Power Management System 

ICPDAS power management systems enable central control and monitoring of energy consumption. The user gets a quick overview of the performance data of his systems. The logged data can be used for further statistics and analyses. For seamless integration into various management systems, the management systems support protocols such as ModbusTCP/RTU, SNMP, FTP and MQTT. 
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